We calculate the entire chart and the planets that need to be harmonized and provide you appropriate predictions/remedies. Here our astrologers provide guidance based on the Indian astrology. Indian Astrology involves the interpretation of the horoscope or birth chart, match making Gun milan etc. This system has a reputation of being a predictive form of astrology. Indian Astrology, also known as Jyotish or Hindu astrology, is based on the ancient philosophy of India, Veda, meaning original knowledge and truth. Also known as the "Science of Light", Indian Astrology is not only extremely accurate in helping an individual to understand what his or her future will be during the lifetime, but gives an understanding as to who we are and how to achieve success on all levels in life. Indian Astrology, an ancient system that reveals the past, present and future, has flourished in India since time immemorial.

Parents can now get the predictions for their children directly from our site. Nakshatra Phal is a prediction part, aimed specially for children. You can now get your Horoscopes, Yearly Predictions, Information regarding Gemstones, Sade Saati (Saturn Transit), Kaal Sarp Dosh etc.

Among others its online matrimonial match making gun milan result and predictions are the most liked one.Īpart from the above, we also have a section where Computerized Vedic Horoscopes, generated from Horosoft Astrology Software, are provided for those who wish to get their horoscopes / Janam Patri (Birth Chart) from reliable sources. Its Professional Edition 4.0 caters to the full fledged requirements of professional astrologers by providing accurate astrological calculations, reliable astrological predictions, useful Horoscope worksheets containing several features available at the click of mouse. Horosoft™, Astrology Software, based on Indian Astrology, is a flaw-less software having gained worldwide name, especially its 'Web Edition' providing facility for the portals to provide online astrological services.